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Penal Code 13650 Document Archive

On January 1st of 2020, California Senate Bill 978 modified Penal Code section 13650. P.C. 13650 now requires law enforcement agencies to post certain records on their websites. The records listed in the statute are: all current standards, policies, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials that would otherwise be available to the public if a request was made pursuant to the California Public Records Act. The San Jose Police Department has compiled these documents in our P.C. 13650 archive library. Investigative, tactical, and security information has been redacted in accordance with existing law.

The statute requires that we post current records. Whenever a record is modified, updated, or replaced, the old record will be removed and replaced by the most current version. Instructional materials will be removed when they are no longer taught by the department.

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  Directory / Filename:     Size:  
  CNA Reports SJPD     25.52 MB  
  Promotional Reading     1.61 MB  
  Academy Code of Ethics.pdf     0.00 MB  
  AICC_outline.pdf     0.16 MB  
  Bicycle Patrol Instructor_ECO.pdf     0.05 MB  
  Bicycle Patrol_outline_CO.pdf     0.05 MB  
  Carrying a Concealed Weapon Policy 2024 .pdf     0.26 MB  
  Independent After Action Report – OIR Group.pdf     2.16 MB  
  Police Department Preliminary After Action Report for the Public Protests, Civil Unrest and Law Enforcement Response from May 29th - June 7th, 2020.pdf     17.59 MB  
  SJPD Command Van Operating Manual PV_ Redacted.pdf     4.50 MB  
  SJPD Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, Non-Binary Employee Guide 2 (1).pdf     0.39 MB  
  Tac EMT program guidelines updated FINAL 061422 (1)_Redacted.pdf     2.69 MB  
  TRAUMA INFORMED CARE_Redacted.pdf     8.45 MB  
  Uniform Manual 2017.pdf     5.35 MB  
  Vehicle Racing_Mod_Veh_Enforc_outline_ECO.pdf     0.06 MB  
Page Count: 13
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